Friday, December 20, 2024

It’s been a year since my last post. Again, this is a more personal, non-work, and non-UX related update about me. This year has been a significant break for me as things are going really well with my career. My full-time job is thriving, my side hustles are flourishing, and I’ve saved a substantial amount of money, exceeding my yearly goal.

I remain very active in biking, and I’ve recently added basketball to my routine, having started playing this year. Additionally, I’ve acquired four more bikes this year. I’m not sure if it’s an addiction, but I get excited every time I build a new bike and it motivates me to cycle more.

Professionally, I’ve learned a lot working with a fantastic team of developers on a new product. This experience has significantly contributed to my growth as a UX designer, and I now consider myself a UX Engineer due to the complex UX work I’ve been doing. Again, til my next post :)